Student placement Testimonials
“Overall, the placement allowed me to develop my dysphagia learning and improve my skills when interacting and working with people with dementia.”
“I truly feel like I learned a great deal during this placement, as a lot of the information relating to the client base had not been taught at university in any meaningful capacity.”
“This placement was full of valuable experience and knowledge.”
“The staff were really nice and made us all feel welcome. We received training on dementia which was really useful and shown around the different houses. We were also shown a PowerPoint about all the staff in the care home, as well as their ethos and aim of care.”

“The staff within the home are very friendly and welcoming. I felt comfortable within the care home and I was able to ask any questions I had.”
“My placement educator really supported me throughout the placement. I felt comfortable to ask any questions and she support me in my decision making and helped me reflect on my experiences. The staff at the care home were also very supportive and gave up their time to watch our dysphagia training and make sure we were felt well supported.”
“The staff within the care home were all very friendly and welcoming. The placement educator that worked with us throughout the placement was very supportive and helpful.”
“My educator was absolutely wonderful in her support of my personal difficulties during this placement, and provided just the right amount of educational support and supervision. She actively worked to make sure I didn’t feel too overwhelmed and was always there to answer any questions I had.”
“My placement educator always gave feedback on my session plans, care plans, reflections and other work we conducted.”

“Feedback was always provided when needed especially during mid and end of placement review.”
“I was often given constructive feedback on care plans, session plans and the dysphagia training which allowed me to advance my thinking.”
“The training day presented at the beginning of the placement was great!”
“As this was a peer placement I was able to discuss and share ideas within the group. This allowed us to create both training packages to the best of our ability.”
“Everyone very friendly and engaged in conversation.”

Registered by Care Quality Commission

The Outstanding Society

Great British Care Awards 2021 National Winner

Dementia Forward

Great British Care Awards 2021 Regional Winner

Great British Care Awards 2019 Regional Winner

Skills For Care Accolades Winner 2015/16